Seeking a Competitive Advantage for Your Corporation.

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Most corporates are looking for cutting-edge technologies that will provide their organisation with a definitive competitive advantage. IGNIS has a portfolio of high growth, early-stage tech companies from across the world, riding the crest of innovation, that you should certainly be aware of.


Engage With Cutting Edge Tech Companies.


What We Do

Our team will help you identify and engage the tech companies best-suited to your organisational needs and challenges. We hold regular sector specific “showcases”, as well as company specific innovation events, where you can also engage with the entrepreneurs and their technology. 

Ready for Roll Out 

The early-stage companies in our portfolio are not straight out of an incubator or accelerator, but companies with genuine traction and the ability to deliver implemented pilot programmes. 

Find out how you can revolutionise your organisation with technology by booking a call using today.

Established Companies Ready to Deliver Results.

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