Helping Entrepreneurs Grow Their Businesses.

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As a group of entrepreneurs ourselves, we’ve been through it all - some of us are still experiencing it! It’s hard work fuelled by passion. Our ecosystem is a platform for all those entrepreneurs like us who are driven to advance their businesses. 

Our focus is mainly on two things; securing the money businesses need to fully develop and client acquisition.  

Have you got the following: a great team, great tech at pilot ready stage, a growth plan that will excite investors? And most important of all, a captivating proposition?

If the answer is yes our World will want to meet you.


 The Hub for Entrepreneurs.

Once a company has been qualified by Ignis, a Dealmaker will be assigned to support you through the securing of the most appropriate investment for your business plan and, if required, on to growth through client acquisition.

Our ecosystem includes investors of all kinds:

  • High Net Worths looking for value investment at an early-stage willing to take on technical risk for high reward.

  • VCs and investment vehicles looking for early-stage tech companies with traction and great growth potential that meets their exit requirements.

  • Family Offices with a myriad of investment criteria.

  • Corporate innovation and invest teams looking to technology that they can invest in and gain competitive advantage from.

Securing the Right Funding for Your Business.

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Over time Igins has engaged with corporates and organisations looking to procure technology and services that might be provided by Ignis clients. This has morphed into a client acquisition proposition that helps entrepreneurs gain traction in various sectors through debt vehicles tailored to their objectives.

Aligned with this, our ecosystem includes trusted partners who can provide our clients with business support ranging from accountancy/financial services through to IP and legal advice. Their aim is to develop a relationship with Ignis clients over the long term.

From Client Acquisition to Business Support.


Ignis welcomes entrepreneurs from any country: it's the proposition that interests us. We are represented in Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and the Americas.  

If you have a tech company that you think we can help then get in touch.